Neuro and Spine Surgery

Neuro and Spine Surgery

Precision Care for Complex Conditions

At KingJims Healthcare Limited, we offer specialized Neuro and Spine Surgery services designed to treat a wide range of neurological and spinal conditions. Our team of highly skilled neurosurgeons and spine specialists utilize advanced surgical techniques and state-of-the-art technology to provide the highest level of care. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain, a spinal deformity, or a neurological disorder, our experts are here to help you achieve optimal health and improved quality of life.Neurosurgery encompasses a wide range of procedures aimed at treating disorders of the brain and nervous system. Our neurosurgeons are experts in performing complex surgeries, including tumor removal, aneurysm repair, and epilepsy surgery. We use the latest imaging technology and minimally invasive techniques to ensure precision and minimize risks. Our team is also skilled in functional neurosurgery, which involves procedures to treat movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor.

Service Overview

At KingJims Healthcare Limited, our Neuro and Spine Surgery services encompass a comprehensive range of advanced surgical procedures aimed at treating complex neurological and spinal conditions. Our highly skilled team of neurosurgeons and spine specialists employs cutting-edge techniques and state-of-the-art technology to deliver precise and effective care. We specialize in various procedures including brain tumor surgery, aneurysm repair, epilepsy surgery, spinal fusion, herniated disc repair, scoliosis correction, and minimally invasive spine surgery.


KingJims Healthcare Limited for Neuro and Spine Surgery comes with numerous advantages. Our team of specialists uses the latest surgical techniques and state-of-the-art technology to ensure precision and minimize risks. By offering minimally invasive options, we aim to reduce pain, shorten hospital stays, and promote faster recovery times. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures comprehensive care, combining the expertise of neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, and pain management specialists to provide the most effective treatment plans. We are dedicated to patient-centered care, providing compassionate support and clear communication throughout the treatment process. With our advanced diagnostic services and personalized treatment plans, we strive to deliver the best possible outcomes for our patients.


Health Care Plans

At KingJims Healthcare Limited, we offer a range of health care plans to ensure that our patients have access to the highest quality Neuro and Spine Surgery services. Our plans are designed to meet the diverse needs of our patients and provide comprehensive coverage for a variety of treatments and procedures.


Frequently Asked Questions

Neuro and spine surgery involves surgical procedures to treat conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. This includes surgeries for tumors, aneurysms, herniated discs, and spinal deformities.

Benefits include reduced pain, shorter hospital stays, faster recovery times, and minimal scarring compared to traditional open surgery.

Physical therapy is often recommended to aid recovery and improve function. Your surgeon will provide a tailored rehabilitation plan.

Success rates vary depending on the procedure and patient condition. Most patients experience significant improvement in symptoms and quality of life.

Spinal fusion surgery involves joining two or more vertebrae to stabilize the spine and reduce pain from conditions like degenerative disc disease.