Medical Genetics

Medical Genetics

Personalized Treatment Plans

Medical Genetics is a field of medicine that focuses on the role of genes in health and disease. At KingJims Healthcare Limited, our Medical Genetics service is dedicated to understanding and applying genetic information to improve patient care. Our team of experienced geneticists and counselors works collaboratively with patients and healthcare providers to identify genetic conditions, provide risk assessments, and develop personalized treatment plans. By analyzing an individual’s genetic makeup, we can offer insights into inherited disorders, guide preventative measures, and tailor therapies to achieve the best possible outcomes. Genetics plays a critical role in many aspects of health. Understanding your genetic information can help identify predispositions to certain diseases, guide early interventions, and personalize treatments. This personalized approach to medicine, often referred to as precision medicine, ensures that medical care is tailored to the unique genetic profile of each patient.

Service Overview

Our Medical Genetics services include comprehensive genetic assessments, counseling, and testing. We provide a thorough evaluation of your family history and medical background to identify potential genetic risks. Genetic counseling is an integral part of our service, offering support and information to help you understand your genetic information and its implications. Our genetic testing options include various types of genetic tests, such as single gene testing, panel testing, and whole exome sequencing, to provide accurate and detailed genetic information.


The advantages of our Medical Genetics service are multifaceted. By understanding your genetic makeup, you can take proactive steps to manage your health. Early identification of genetic risks allows for timely interventions that can prevent or mitigate the impact of certain conditions. Personalized treatment plans ensure that therapies are specifically tailored to your genetic profile, improving the efficacy and reducing the risk of adverse effects. Additionally, genetic counseling provides valuable support, helping you navigate complex genetic information and make informed decisions about your health.

Health Care Plans

We offer flexible health care plans designed to incorporate comprehensive genetic services. Our plans include regular genetic assessments, counseling sessions, and access to advanced genetic testing. By integrating genetic services into your overall health care plan, we ensure that you receive personalized and proactive care that addresses your unique genetic risks and health needs.


Frequently Asked Questions

Medical Genetics is a field of medicine that focuses on understanding the role of genes in health and disease, and applying this knowledge to improve patient care.

Services include genetic assessments, counseling, testing, and personalized treatment plans based on genetic information.

We offer single gene testing, panel testing, and whole exome sequencing, among other advanced genetic tests.

You can start by scheduling an initial consultation with our genetic counselors, who will guide you through the process of genetic assessment and testing.

The frequency of sessions depends on your health goals and availability. Some people benefit from weekly sessions, while others may find bi-weekly or monthly sessions sufficient. Your certified yoga therapist will work with you to determine a schedule that works best for you.